"The Hole" is an absurdist play published in 1958, written by N.F. Simpson, a British playwright associated with the Theatre of the Absurd.
According to the Samuel French Website:
"The hole is in the road. In the depths of it workmen are working. At the top, a man with a camp stool, vacuum flask, haversack, and other necessities for a long vigil is forming the nucleus of a queue. From time to time curious folk gather round and wonder what is going on below. Each gazes into the hole and sees a different significance to the events down there. Their theories are ingenious but contradictory. With the fanaticism of the scientist, the politician and the preacher, each tries to convince the others. [The emergence from out of The Hole of The Workman, complaining bitterly--"cables, junction boxes, electricity ... never had any of this ruddy caper back in the Ice Age"--caps the absurdism.] Produced in London with great success."
Samuel French information on "The Hole" http://www.samuelfrench.com/store/product_info.php/cPath/26_41/products_id/4035